The biggest mistake I made when I was 16 (besides wearing acid wash jeans and having mullet hair) was tweezing the crap out of my eyebrows. My goal was to have my brows look like they did on Kate Moss (remember, from the old CK ads?) but guess what? 25 years later, her eyebrows grew back, and mine didn't. From that point on I have never ever tweezed my brows, as even looking at a tweezer makes me really nauseous :) From my tweezer happy days I unfortunately still have a few bald spots and when I don't get my brows groomed regularly I risk looking like this:
Seriously though, it's been 6 months since I've done anything to my brows. They were desperately in need of a makeover so I decided to get butt to my local eyebrow salon to get them trimmed, threaded and razored (?). I've been going to SHUKU for a few years now. She is truly a miracle worker when it comes to brows, and here is the proof:
Here are the BEFORE pictures: (UGH)
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This is my HAPPY BROW FACE!!!! |
So it's time for you to dish: Do you have any eyebrow horror stories? Do you tweeze, wax or thread?
And, on a totally unrelated note:
Thanks so much for reading, and have a terrific tuesday :)
You must be kidding! I thought your before brows look quite like my after. Seriously! I've got thick eyebrows with lots of fine strays that grow till the lids (just like that elusive ninja, you can't see them in photos but they're definitely there) and a home tweezer is my saver quite unlike you. haha...
With such annoying brows, threading is the best way to yank all the fine hair out. I do Indian threading and it's very cheap here at only $7. It used to be $5. I haven't done threading for a year now after my facialist provides tweezing for free during facial and just by using tweezer, I'm amazed she could do quite a clean job.
On the last photo, I initially thought that was a real hat!
Sharon, LOL girl I can't stop laughing at that Oscar the Grouch and Thanksgiving picture! HAHAHAHA I'm sliding out my computer chair right now from laughing. Girl I razored the ends off of mine when I was in high school. HAHAHA I did some crazy sh**! But I'm a hairy furburger so they grew back. I get mine waxed. I've heard nothing but wonderful things regarding threading. I'm going to ask the girl that does mine more about it the next time I go. Your eyebrow girl did a wonderful job!!! When you get your brows done it's like a mini face lift! It makes you look so much better, feel better, and EVERYTHING LOOKS BETTER! Great post girl! LOVE IT! HAHAHA
i over tweezed my brows in hs too! luckily they grew bk. but i still don't have the balls to go let someone do my brows for me! i don't trust them. now that i am older (ehh mb a bit wiser lol) i've figured out how to do my own brows. once in awhile i pluck ONE hair too many & it makes a HUGE diff can u believe it?!? gotta be REALLYYYY careful
LOL omg I tweezed my eyebrows soo much in highschool too! thankfully mine somewhat grew back... SOMEWHAT, I still need eye pencil to fill in the ends a bit lol... totally remember kate moss's, for me it was Christina Aguilera, I loved her skinny brows
Happy Thanksgiving! I think brows can make the single largest impact on the face, I take mine very seriously, lol. I refuse to have them waxed and have only had them professionally shaped with a tweezers. I don't mess around with them, haha.
Sharon: I have a confession to make. I do NOT have eyebrows or to say it correctly my brows are so ridiculuosly thin..haha. Yours look 100 times better "before". You bet I rely on brow pencil and you wouldn't recognize me if I went without.
My mom used to be the one who trimmed my brows and she did a great job. Ever since I lived on my own I had no choice but do it by myself. Sometimes both brows don't look I think your brows look great after too.
Your eyebrows in the before shot FAR FAR better than mine!! Threading used to cost $2 but these days, they're a bit more. I think I'd better go to my local one. My eyebrows are looking rather like..... I'd better not scare you.
I love getting my eyebrows done! It makes the biggest difference in the world! I can't find a good eyebrow threader here but I've gotten in done before in L.A. and I loved it. Your brows look fantastic!
Happy Thanksgiving! :)
I never get the brow thing. All the women in my family attend to them regularly, but I never touch mine. The only time I got them done, under duress from my mom, was for my wedding and frankly I could not make out the difference.
I am seriously envious of your eyebrows!! To be honest, I do my own eyebrows (no time to go anywhere to get them done professionally), but there's not much I can do with them anyways, because they are short, ending directly above the outer edge of my eyelid. I have always wished for longer eyebrows.
oh gosh i can soooo relate to this post Sharon! I cant walk out of the house until i pencil in my eyebrows. I did a horrible mistake years ago and now am paying the price, mine never grew back either!!!!!!! =(
Your brows as they are now look fantastic ! I was blessed with naturally thin and well shaped brows and sincerely I am glad about that cause I would be scared of tweezing too much or not properly. You are so pretty and you did look good also in the "before" pics ! Oh, about your super nice comment on my blog...thank you and yes, I am in love with my Balenciaga, I can't wait to buy another one, LOL ! Kisses
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My problem with my eyebrows are that they grow much faster towards the back ends, near my ears vs. those nearest at my eyes. I am sure you know this, when you are reading a person's face in chinese culture at my age, 30 we're at the eyebrow and eyes portion...the damn spot up front where I need to to grow is not... Yikes, our mom's told us not to tweeze so much and of course did we listen? NO... I think your eyebrows look fantastic, and I may need to make a stop at Anastasia!
that really makes a difference!! :)
I pluck my eyebrow and every time i do it,i cry, haha
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I actually don't think your eyebrows look bad in the before! I have unruly eyebrows so I admire yours :) but I also know how good it feels to get them done. With cutting my budget, I've been doing then myself. Sure do miss getting them done :) Looking good!
Your brows look amazing!!
I wax right now - used to thread and prefer it but the place I went to just became too dirty (aka authentic) for me to go to without freaking out LOL - I need to find a new good waxing place!
BTW - thank you for such a sweet comment on my blog! <3
great job on the eye brows! i am inspired.
Eyebrows gone wrong the post is showing before and after. Good post
mineral make up
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